,golden retriever puppy for sale
Have you ever wondered if your pet can dream? Like most of the time our pets are sleeping right? I am pretty sure that this thought might have occurred to you more than once that is it a black out sleep or they are secretly planning your murder (Pun intended). Well for your information pets can dream. Well for you, Dogs dream about their everyday experiences like humans but they sleep more than you do. Most of the people believe that dogs dream like human beings. Even at times you would notice that some dogs during their sleep may tremble, make leg twitches, even may rumble giving the impact that they are dreaming about something they are interested in like you. Next time you see your dog screaming in dream that is probably coming from something you and he did earlier. ,golden retriever puppy for sale
Why do dogs dream?
Studies say that at the time of brain development, ,golden retriever puppy for sale the brains of dogs are similar as of Humans even their brain wave patterns during sleep are also same, they can even have nightmares but in this situation you should not wake them up, let them sleep and be there to comfort them. You see it will be more surprising if you say that dogs did not dream because according to the sleep researcher that the animals which are simpler and less brainy than dogs assume to dream for example Rats, the same pattern ,golden retriever puppy for sale of brain waves appeared in rats during their sleep that obviously makes it the best assumption that other mammals even cats are also dreaming that it looked they were hunting mice in their dreams, so in no way animals dreaming is different from humans. As the same electrical pattern appears in dog’s complex brain and this evidence giving you the idea to assume that dogs dream.
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